Valerian is a wild plant that loves high altitudes and sunshine. In ancient Rome, it was often used by Dioscorides, Nero’s military surgeon and an expert in medicinal herbs. In his work De materia medica, he described the use of over 1,000 natural substances and classified valerian as an aromatic herb. This collection is considered the foundation of all modern pharmacopoeias. Dioscorides is also known by his pioneering anaesthetic, a special wine made from opium and mandrake that he used for putting his patients to sleep before surgery. He used the Greek word anaesthesia meaning “without feeling” to describe the state of unconsciousness. Valerian has sedative, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effects. Simply put, it relieves aggression, tension headaches, muscle cramps, depression and anxiety. Valerian is also good for heart arrhythmias and the tightness of chest. It helps quit smoking and provides relief for sciatica, neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy, irritable bowel, abdominal cramps, menstrual pain, feelings of anxiety in menopause, and even hypochondria.

Valerian root contributes to the maintenance of mental well-being, the quality of sleep and to help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.

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